He has given us this command:
loves God - must also love his
( 1 JOHN 4:21 *NIV )
Dear Friends,
Our Savior Jesus Christ said; "A new command I
give you: Love one another. As I
have loved
you, so you must love one another.
John 13:34 )
So, Offer hospitality to one another without
grumbling. Each one should use
gift he has received to serve
others, faithfully
administering God's grace in its
various forms.
4:9-10 )
Thus, If anyone has material possessions
and sees his brother in need but
has no pity
on him, how can the love of God be
in him?
Dear children, let us not love
with words or
tongue but with actions and in
Now just; Suppose a brother or
sister is without
clothes and daily food. If one of
you says to
him, "Go, I wish you well;
keep warm and
well fed,"but does nothing
about his physical
needs, what good is it?
After all Jesus also said;
'I tell you the truth, what ever
you did for one
of the least of these brothers of
mine, you did
for me.'
( 1 John 3:17-18 ) ( James 2:15-16 )
( Matthew 25:40 )
Therefore, Love must be sincere. Hate what
is evil; cling to what is good. Be
to one another in brotherly love.
Honor one
another above yourselves. (Romans
and God will Bless you for
it! Amen.
All My Love & Prayers,