Better Tomorrows Leave Things A Little Better Than You Found Them
But Just Jesus
….The Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus…
--Philippians 3:7
This paper was started when I was still in a wheelchair, mmm interesting I have held onto it for
so long, although what I know is the Lord does not do anything without a reason, This paper and all the others are His craftsmanship
I just manage the sites. I was writing primarily about the feelings That came with living in a wheelchair, I was like, this chair will be very temporary, even though the doctors disagreed with that notion. I could
relate to people that lost their ability to hear, I just lost my ability to walk without falling down. Also I wrote I had
never blamed God for the robbery or for the results, the affects it had on me physically, that was the case for me, we have
heard from many people that did blame God for their illness or disability. As for me, I knew that bad things can happen to
good people, so I’m still wondering, why me..?. haha lol
I could say I never had a true relationship with God like today, this that happen overtime was curious, my now relationship..
I can say without hesitation, Better Tomorrows, Spirituality Paper, Serenity Unveiled the recovery A.A. Related Paper as Crimes
Against Children would have never been born had the robbery not happen. The kind of relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ
may have never been put in place, I mean what it is for me today, the robbery took a lot from me, also however, what I received
was far greater than in my walk today, that’s real.. The robbery changed my life in dramatic ways. Both physically and
Spiritually, I Love the Lord, He forms the words in my head you read. In the last year ½ I have been promising I would
write my testimony that is in progress. You have to understand when a child goes missing, we stop everything and work on that
child’s case in that area, up and until there is something found for the FBI to act upon and then sometimes even still.
We worked on a child’s case for example over five years that child was returned to his parents, this is the reason,
If a time presents itself we will encourage the parental figures to not give
up, there are cases when the police and FBI’s hard work pays off to point
return a child home. We are just a communication vehicle in which we get information out as fast as possible. We get
better and better each year to hit an area with what “the servers” call an E-Mail Blast, although we are not advertising
products.. You have to have the addresses already in a data base for it to work effectively, that is the reason we are starting
an online Business to support the expansion of Crimes Against Children so in any state (nationally.) we have the information
out faster, we need to build a staff to get the information necessary. We have been a member of The Missing & Exploited
Children Network since we filed the fist paper work, ha, probably ten months before the first Crimes Against Children went
to Washington.
Against Children is a work of Love, a passion, I told them, (Congress.) I don’t even understand how or why any person
could consider our children as a sex object, but I will try my best to make sure the Time fits the Crime. If you read the
Crimes Against Children all the pieces of the puzzle will fit together for you. I wrote this paper back in 2000.
paper seemed so different than, affective, just different, maybe because it is my growing with the paper more than I noticed
before. One the things I hate to mention is after the robbery I had three strokes aside of the damage to my scull and face
some of the damage was irreversible. Memory was a huge part of that I have been promised it would come back, although that
has not been the case so far, I have always said I am no writer, but for Jesus I would not be able to do what I do. I left
the Library row on the front page for a reason it takes me making efforts also to re-learn as much as possible. I remember
this man we used to drive to church, he said, “These darn kids, they just don’t know, I have known far more than
anyone of them will learn in their lifetime, since my stroke took my memory, but I have known more than they will learn in
fifty years.” He was a funny guy, however I can relate to that statement, I am just different, in that, I will not be
held down by this disease, period.
This year they found something wrong with my lungs. Maybe more than they want to
tell me yet, they have been taking on lot of tests on me. You know, I love the Lord so Very much, just this morning before
I ever found this paper – that was half done already. – I woke up this morning and it felt like someone was sitting
on my chest. I was thinking Lord you know I want to have writers for
Better Tomorrows, some one I can trust to manage
the e-Ministry. I need to feel it’s done I can go or stay. I was thinking about this new cliché “It’s a
win, win..” people love to use that for the time, I was thinking if this was the last year it truly would be –What
happens—it would be for me a win, win, because no matter what I win over the disease or the disease wins over me, I
know with whom I will be spending eternity with, my question is are you ready to be in the place where you know where will
be your destination.
That question is one of the most important question you will ever have been presented you in your
life time When men will Kidnapped a children to use in a sex-act, it’s
an unbelievable mind set in my opinion, and even if a guy was abused himself and caught himself thinking or acting in an unusual
manner and seeks help I can get with that, it turns into a whole other thing when you snatch a child, sinister thing of dysfunction.
I’m sorry I was just working on a little girl’s missing case, sometimes I do have to say it bothers me, one case
after another. America’s Most Wanted, The FBI, and local police have worked so hard on cases bringing many children
back home. I will leave you a link at the last page. You would be surprised at the number of cases. Too many are parental
cases, two arguing over parental rights. I have been under the impression that laws in those area’s are going to change
that will change that from happening so often. In all the years we have been doing this, I just can’t understand why
people will make children the pawns in their fights one to the other. In my opinion,
people should just act as if they were going to be meeting Jesus tomorrow. I know this, were it applies to coastal issues,
I need to just stay away from those cases or commenting on them, bottom-line: I pray that people would not make their children
live in high tension atmospheres, that changes them. I wish I knew the one thing that would please both sides of the issues.
As for the end of the paper, I have gone through a lot, they said I would never be out of an electric wheelchair,
I made it out of a thoracic brace, it is a brace from the neck down & out of a chair. The doctors claimed I would be on
dialysis treatment, and most probably be expired, is their word, expired by the end of 2001. Mayor Fact I don’t have
an expiration date, what I have is a connection with my Creator Son The Lord And Savior, when The Lord Jesus Christ calls
me home, then I will go home. One of my friends was with me, I was real sick at the time, when I had another stroke. He said,
I kept telling the doctors I am
ready to go home. But if God wanted me, He would have taken me. I was not conscious
of any speaking during that time; I had three strokes so that is part of the memory issues. A friend said something that makes
sense. I should be sharing with people about me, the more he said a reader relates to the paper the more part of a family
readers become. My goal is to be in a larger distribution. Taking Crimes Against Children & Better Tomorrows to another
level, We have to seek the help to progress to that stage. I know just the Crimes Against Children, I cannot do the work by
myself any longer. We have to have people’s help, there are people that copy / distribute the paper in their area (City
& State.), although we, I think, have to make the papers available to people
on a lager scale. – back to the paper-- We all are human, we do not wage war on human aspects of being, plans and methods
have been set in place long before we arrived on the scene, and yet just as Paul wrote for people at his day and time, all
he wrote applies to us today. Galatians four and five lay the foundation upon where are hearts should be, teaching us to stay
strong so that we are lacking in nothing. We will break down the devils strongholds in our own lives when sharing with others
Christ’s Love. You see you can’t share what you do not have to share ourselves. I can’t tell you about what
I have not experienced in one way or another, it’s Love that makes the difference, the antidote. God said, Love covers a multitude of Sin. Those words have been so relieving in my own life the last two
years I remember a friend telling me all about this person’s sins as he was telling me about him, I just said while
he said all that, “Whatever…” he looked at me strange but the first thing that came to mind was Jesus in
Matthew chapter eight, If we have the desire we can all find reason in any time and date to find looking for faults with one
another. I have said this to manager all my career.. “If you want to you can find something wrong with the staff any
day of the week, we are humans, I challenge you to find something right and build on that, that is our Job..” No matter
where we go or what we do there is always a reality. Two things that hold in place one: is you cannot run from the Lord the
Lord will always know the truth. Two: you cannot run from yourself, you can correct your ways of thinking which will alter
your way of acting, which will result in a change around you. The great stuff about Living in the truth is no what anyone
thinks, says, does the last two rules of fact applies to who you come in contact with also…
Lord God please teach
us to act, speak and desire you truths comes from us even when w seem to be at diversity, help us be more just like Jesus
that we would honor you will all we do……………
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