O Lord, you
the righteous; you
surround them
with your favor as with a shield. ( Psalms 5:12 *NKJV )
Dear Friends,
this busy World of ours we often forget to
stop and count all of our
blessings. To be grateful for all God
has done for us
already. If we are not careful we may even take them
for granted!
So why not stop
and count your blessings today, for when you count
them you will find that there are many indeed!
Also you will find that counting your
blessings is a great way to
begin you day!
Now the above
verse reminds me of a poem that I very much enjoy. Today I would like to share that poem with you, and it is my
hope that you will enjoy it as well!
Your Blessings Are So Many, Lord!
Your blessings are so many, Lord,
To count them one by one
Would take much longer than a day
That has just now begun!
You fill each day with miracles
From dawn to setting sun.
Each night You hear a million prayers
When day's work is done.
You keep this old world spinning
As seasons come and go,
And each one is a masterpiece
That sets our hearts aglow.
You fill the earth with beauty,
With flowers, shrubs and
And we marvel at Your rainbows
And butterflies and bees.
Your words still give us comfort
For Your promises are true.
Your blessings are so many, Lord,
In everything we do!
Poet, Clay Harrison
Success is the
ability to go from one failure to another
without losing
enthusiasm – winston churchill
“failure is not
the end of the world” Peter Morton
Remember that a
failure could very well be God closing one door, only
open another yet how could we know, a new one is opening
if we are so focused on the one that closed.
strengthened himself in the Lord – at ziglag
The things that
are lies can seem like realities when we are in the cloud
of discouragement. Remember that God
wants to bring LIFE, He
wants you to live Life successfully, He wants to empower
with His strengths. He wants to work through
you and your
gifts and the devil wants to kill steal and
Have a wonderful
day, and may; God be merciful to you
and bless you, and cause His face to shine upon
you. Amen. ( Psalms 67:1
All My Love &
Pastor Allen
For I know the
plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future.
What lies behind
us and what lies before us are tiny matter compared to what lies with in us.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson