Better Tomorrows

His Great Love
The Dart Test
The Lord is my shepherd
No Restraints
What does it mean to be a born again Christian?
Did Jesus Say He Existed from Eternity?
When you lose someone that you love
How Do I Live A Spirit Filled Life?
The Greatest Priorities for Any Dad
He Says
My Christ
Count Your Blessings
Reaching Out, Reaching Up
Following The Lead
View from the Back Side of The Desert
A Mirror Image
Being Lead By Gods Peace
Reaching Out
New Virus Alert
About one of our FaceBook
Emergency Resources
Understanding The Cross
A Sign We Couldn't Miss
Truth That Transforms
Help for Desperate Marriages: An Interview with Dr. Gary Chapman
Living in a Loveless Marriage
How To Identify A Reliable Preacher
One of the Most Important Principles in Reading the Bible
Handling Social Media With Your Kids
Michael Jackson's This Is It Proves Entertaining But Not Revelatory
Relient K: Relient on No One Else
The Hope You Need
When Parenting Feels Lonely
Does God Expect Me to Stay Married to a Jerk?
Climb Up in His Lap
New Life, a New Creation in Christ
Seeing His grace
Just Faith
Unless God
First String Material
Parenting Children 6 steps to help
One Voice
Who is Right vs Whats Right
The Most Unhappy People
The Christian Bucket List: 50 Things Every Believer Should Do before Heaven
What Makes Your Heart Sing?
Defying the Odds
Is Fatigue Next to Godliness?
Somer Renee Thompson
He Sends Two when one would do
Midnight Roundup
The Pathway To Blessing
Credit Where Credit is Due
Golden Nuggets Set Five_01
Golden Nuggets Set_Five__02
Golden Nuggets Set_Five_03
Golden Nugget Set_Five_04
Golden Nuggets Set_Five_05
Golden Nugget Set-Five_06
Golden Nugget Set-Five_07
Golden Nugget Set_Five_08
Peace Brings Peace to those around it
Prayer Team
Give Your Best Gift
Opportunity Knocks
Here's to You, Faithful Fathers
Brite White Teeth
Just Jesus
Serenity Prayer
The St. Francis Prayer
But Just Jesus
Recourses Opportunities for Unemployed
Best Brain Foods By Men's Health
The Rising Waters
Lifting Our Voice
Your Health 25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Your Body and Health
Seeking His Face
Men's Health came out with this
A Season of Love
Enduring Love
All About Jesus Christ - The Savior and King
I Will Return!
Children die for reasons we could stop I believe in "0"
His Great Love
I Have A Great Life
Health (Hand Soaps)
A Dogs purpose
A Step In Time
Filling of The Holy Spirit
His Loving Grace

I am Yours Jesus,
I love the Casting Crows music, I have left you several songs online most-every picture has a link to songs, that song mean a great deal to me. Casting Crowns "Who Am I".. " that the Eyes that saw my sin, could look on me with Love and watch me rise again. You have told me who I am." My most favorite is "Life-Song." This is because, For me, this song is my cry to God, that my life is a reflection of His Love and Grace only, of which I am so unworthy, Looked at me in my sin, and still Loved me enough to pursued me. Oh but that is just the start of the journey, we must not ever forget that, Jesus did say "I came for those that are sick those that are sinners." But that is not the end of the story, sometimes we have to edit "stuff" in our lives. We have to become managers of our own affairs. What we receive or take in, what we listen to, what we are involved with, what we surround ourselves with nothing less that the full truth of Gods word (Word = The True and Living Word of God = The Bible.) I used to admire Operah Winfrey until I heard her telling thousands of people across the world that she believed that if you were good, If you lived a good life your would go to Heaven. She believed your God for which, you believed who that was who you thought / believed God to be, that your God would take you to heaven, if you lived a good life here on earth... That is not what the Word of God says, she went on say other things about other Gods, people in the audience joined, a woman said your just buying into the lie we are made to believe (what the enemy would have us believe.)…
Amazing! I don’t think in the segment of time I should waist my time listening to that video. "You are just buying into the lie," it does bother me but the woman that spoke up, I hope God Gives her a special blessing, she was right on. Regardless the circumstances it bothers me that someone as Oprah would be telling the many people what she even knows to be untrue. That’s my point we have to be diligent, informative, and be a challenger when what you hear is out side of God’s word. Never be attending a church that teaches things out-side of the Word of God = The Bible. Be vigilant after God Word. It is easy to conform our imagination into what we want the scriptures to say or take the truth conveniently out of context / out-of what God meant for us to learn. If we alter the scriptures into saying what we want them to say God is fervent in expressing where those who do this will spend eternity. 1.Corrie Ten Boom said, Jesus loves sinners. He only loves sinners…….. not the sin. He died on the cross for sinners…… And then when you come to Him, He will deliver you from your sins. But you also have to confess them and bring them to Him. If you look to Jesus in His great love, if you look at Him in faith, then you will not be ashamed of yourself, then you'll pray, "Oh Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner." And do you know what is so wonderful? He is merciful to sinners and you can take your sins to Him now. -*- We must stay in the word that the truth is always Unveiled that Serenity keeps us strong to stand when in a time there is so much leading us else where. Jesus, He is the Truth and the Lifes challenges Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he. John 4:21-26

1.¬ From "I Stand at the Door and Knock: Meditations by the Author of The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom

2.­ Mark 15:34.
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Psalm 91:1-2

Left Behind 3

Casting Crown > WHO AM I

Casting Crown > LIFE SONG

Casting Crown > VOICE OF TRUTH

Lord, I need You to complete Your good work in me, keep me in your Truth that I would look towards you first, in all I do, Lord, I make mistakes, I need you so bad to conform my heart to Your will, Your Truth...

                            Site addresses
Better Tomorrows  << You are Here.

Serenity Unveiled  <<The Recovery Paper

Crimes Against Children  << Read

Throughout the years we have had the opportunity to have not only great messages from Ministers, but also timeless devotions that touch our heart, sharing those are part of the new Golden Nuggets imitative our new division of Better Tomorrows is to bring together these contributions of God Grace filled word to you through a localized outlet if you feel led, please provide any donations to those ministries if you need links let us know but I will be listing this new coming year a ministries sites page. Also if you have devotion you like you can submit them. My only rule for anything listed here at Better Tomorrows is that it come from a Bible believing Church that believes in the one and only Son of God Jesus Christ and is directly Biblical, these have been my only concern in using any other person’s work. For years the only papers you read here were written here at Better Tomorrows’ Also a little note: we are in the process of supporting a national prisoners Ministry program a donation to Better Tomorrows of just six American dollars will provide for many people. Every donator will also be submitted in a Annual Christmas program in which there will be a cash give away right before Christmas this will all start at the beginning of the year 2012. Could be real fun and you would be helping get printed Bible teaching materials to those incarcerated, a pastor friend of mine works very hard to lead people to Christ and encourage them to redirect their lives. Please use only this email for this purpose @





It's in you

The Power to be all that God intended you to be is right inside you, right where you are, right where you are at - in life. No matter how much the enemy has tried to convince you otherwise You are a Child of The King, heirs to HIS thrown, Salt & Light to the world, all you need is ask HIM daily to show up and show out in your life, He will do just that, make that choice Today, will YOU!  --Falcon Better Tomorrows 

Heaven Is Real


Click the picture this is a great song signed by Peter

If I can touch the hem of HIS garment


My goal today, Today I will be the example of Jesus to the world. You might ask how I am going to do that, great question thank for asking. That is the simple part I have faith in HIM to be with me, little secret, I will tell only you, I can’t do anything without HIM.

I Love The Lord so much HE does that often puts me in touch with parts of the HIS work. The answer to the question Grace,--- His Grace. ---- His Grace. --His Grace....Never ending Grace my friend. I can't stop telling people His Love is unimaginable to anything / every thing here. He Loves You So Much HE will accept You just the way you are.....

Better Tomorrows:
Http:// << YOU ARE Here


BTEM2008 @ You << I Am Here mostly  << Prayer Requests

National Phone:

Messages Only National:

Click Away!  hehe (LOL)

He is The Way & The Truth
Did You Know He Would Stop Everything Just to Come and Save or refresh YOU.


I am not convinced this function has ever worked right we have never accepted any funds for Better Tomorrows my hope was to expand the Crimes against Children work But I have redirected the links to because it will not discontinue so please do not try to us this I will figure out how to get the script off this site my total focus has been on building the Golden Nuggets Devotionals along with building wall presentations for churches The New Year is going to be exciting March 22, 2011



Click the picture it will take you to One.Org they provied meals for those in need of services you can also become a member just getting things like this thermo can help in the expenses you can contact them for a tax receipt.


Psalm 23

The LORD Is My Shepherd A Psalm of David.

The LORD is my shepherd;

I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green Pastures.

He leads me beside still waters.

He restores my soul.

He leads me in paths of righteousness

for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of The shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies;

you anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever....




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